AML Agency
4 min readMay 4, 2022



Consumers are particular about where they spend their money. They scout for feedback from other buyers who have patronised their products to verify their efficiency and effectiveness. Do you run a business and constantly endeavour to satisfy customers but struggle to generate repeat business? Have you been experiencing a backlog in selling your product or do your customers feel withdrawn from the services you render them? Then you need to look inward at your processes and assess your product or service through a well-framed customer feedback channel that suits your business.

Customer feedback is an essential aspect of every business. Getting regular updates from your customers with regards to your product, service rendered or employee relationship with customers is vital for the growth of your business. This is even more so because as stated earlier, most buyers carry out research before concluding on a particular brand to settle for.

They are anxious to know if you have the product or service that suits them or if your existing customers are satisfied with your product, how reputable your brand is on the internet, and how well you respond to feedback from your customers? These are key questions an entrepreneur must answer for a boost in sales. Here are some reasons why businesses must maximise customer feedback.

Improve your brand: Before you introduced your brand into the market, you would have probably asked yourself some vital questions to ascertain if your product or service would be beneficial to your clients. It is a wise attempt to seek their opinion after introducing a medium of evaluation that would be beneficial to upscaling your brand. Feedback can come in either positive or negative forms but you must filter the information and implement them where necessary.

Customer satisfaction check: This is essentially one of the major essences of getting feedback from your clients. How would you feel when you are asked to give feedback on a product or a service rendered to you by a brand whose service or product was very poor. You would be irritated and or angry right? This is how your clients feel when your customer service is below par. It is best to get feedback almost immediately after rendering a service or on a product to correct problems that can jeopardise the existence of your firm. Be intentional!

Build client confidence: Contacting your customers to provide feedback on services rendered to them makes them confident and committed to your brand. Listening to their voice helps you create a stronger relationship with them. It accords them a sense of belonging that they are an important aspect of your business. So, be committed to them always.

Brand retention: A happy customer will continue to patronise your brand but a sad customer will find an alternative and leave. Most times a customer who had issues with your brand and the issue was immediately fixed will be glad to patronise your brand again than a customer who has never been disappointed by your brand. Thanks to regular feedback, you can always keep your finger on the pulse as you provide solutions to a disappointed customer.

Customer Referrals: As your customers feel loved and loyal to your brand they become the mouthpiece of your organisation. Customer satisfaction helps your clients promote your brand and invite their friends, family members, colleagues etc to patronise your brand. It is a well-known fact that customers trust referrals from other users more than most brand communications.

Clients Database: Well-documented customer feedback helps brands gather important information for their database. This information could help the organisation make better decisions and strategize for better business performance.

An entrepreneur who intends to make sales or improve business growth must be ready to position his business for feedback and work towards satisfying his clients. There are various feedback channels available on the internet that businesses can leverage for better business performance. All you need do is search the web and get the right channel that suits your brand. Multiple feedback channels are even better.

These feedback channels could be an online or offline means of getting reports for your brand. They include text messages(SMS), emails, phone calls, live chats, questionnaire or usability tests, social media platforms, customer care desk, etc. These platforms avail businesses the opportunity to access feedback from customers and utilise this feedback to improve better services. As a brand be determined to stay focused and loyal to your customers.

If you need professional assistance in implementing a good customer feedback channel for your business, click here to reach out to a trained professional.

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