AML Agency
3 min readDec 5, 2019

Key Tips for Working Remotely for Non-Profit Organisations

Seventeen years ago, working remotely was seen as a luxury only for a select few, however, trends have changed. According to a recent survey result published on Forbes, remote working would likely have overtaken working in a traditional office setting by 2030. Moreover, the advent of communication tools and productivity software has made remote working become increasingly attractive. Remote working holds benefits for both the employer and employee. From an employer perspective, remote working minimizes operating costs while, for employees, it minimizes commuting stress, especially in a city like Lagos, Nigeria.

While remote working holds a lot of benefits, there still exists a series of disadvantages such as a possible decrease in employee productivity due to distractions outside the traditional office setting. What exactly does it mean to work remotely? Remote working refers to a work style where employees do not have to commute or travel to a central office location or simply put, working from a remote location. It is oftentimes called telecommuting or teleworking.

Remote working is not a new term in the development space as the nature of work requires working remotely and in distant locations. Hence, how do non-profit organizations leverage remote working? In this article, we will share a few tips to improve effectiveness and productivity while working remotely:

Leverage technology

Advancement in technology has led to the advent of numerous software and productivity tools. Organizations should ensure employees have a good knowledge of how to use communication tools and productivity software to ensure that they are able to interface with co-workers. Employees are expected to leverage these tools or software in sending updates and daily reports to keep their employer in the loop of all the activities and tasks.

Cultivate good time management skills

Time management is essential for increased productivity especially for remote workers, who are exposed to numerous distractions outside the four walls of an office building. For employees, preparing a daily work plan or to-do-list and being active online to ensure seamless communication between colleagues is extremely important. Employers can adopt a timesheet reporting system to assist employees with time management, foster accountability, and ensure timely delivery of tasks.

Structure your workspace to suit your work style

As employees, it is important to ensure that you have a workspace that is designed to suit your work style, working from your kitchen or sitting room may get you distracted easily. To ensure productivity, you’d need to be in an environment that supports full concentration. Employers are also expected to support staff with the required tools to function effectively.

Ensure a good work life balance

It can be tempting to stay glued to your work space, even after work time. Put timelines on activities - have a resumption and closing time, consider dressing like you’re going to work and maintain a good relationship with your co-workers. Create time to socialize!!!

In summary, working remotely has evolved, and more organizations are incorporating it into their working style. This is projected to increase as technology continues to advance, and years from now, there may be a significant decline in demand for infrastructures such as office spaces.

At AML, we offer advisory services and help organizations structure their remote working systems as well as staff capacity development training and keeping organizations abreast of the latest developments. Click here to contact our first impact champions.




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