How Innovation can enable Development in Africa.

AML Agency
2 min readNov 28, 2019


In recent times, innovation has become a buzzword, which many organisations and governments are leveraging to achieve various goals. Innovation for development is about identifying more effective solutions that add value to the people affected by development challenges — people and their governments, users, and clients.

In this article, we will share how innovation is encouraging development and how governments of developing countries can create an enabling environment for innovation to thrive.

Innovation plays a vital role in addressing structural challenges and ensuring inclusive development. Innovation has helped boost the competitiveness of governments, thereby ensuring that there is a constant push to deliver the best to her people. Innovation boosts the economic growth of any country but governments that hold back in embracing innovation lose out on growth and sustainable development.

A typical case study is how Rwanda is being transformed by technological innovation. To achieve growth, Rwanda had to foster and integrate science, technology, and innovation into business activities. The country has also leveraged technology to reduce its trade deficit and diversify its export base.

Another country with remarkable innovative strategies is Kenya. Through the use of mobile money, the country has been able to alleviate poverty, boosted the agricultural, and major sectors of the economy. According to a World Bank publication, mobile money in Kenya elevated two percent of its population out of poverty and fostered the establishment of new businesses.

It is evident that governments are taking huge steps in discovering ways to ensure sustainable development through innovative approaches. Nevertheless, governments of African countries still have so much to learn about creating an enabling environment for innovation-driven development. How can government champion or partner to shape the future of their countries and citizens?

To set off innovation, governments will have to:

  • Remove bureaucratic barriers
  • Support innovative culture
  • Emphasise the importance of innovation as well as reward innovative ideas
  • Develop relevant partnerships and collaborations
  • Build robust transparent systems and trust in citizens

Countries have recognised the importance of innovation in driving sustainable development. By encouraging innovation, governments can achieve structural transformation, increase productivity, and improve the well-being of their citizens.


Embracing Innovation in Government Global Trends

World Bank

Association for Free Research and International Cooperation

Engineering for Change

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: UNCTAD Research Paper No 2

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